Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Rian Sarkar (19747) Sarkar, Rian (311211B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Rian Sarkar Sarkar, Rian Rian Sarkar
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-11-27 2008-11-27 2008-11-27
Club Barnet Knights Barnet Knights Barnet Knights
Grading Code 311211B 311211B 311211B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Highgate V RGS Newcastle white McIntosh, Jamie Alexander L 196822
Highgate V Bristol GS white Acharya, Kandara D 196898
Highgate V Sutton GS white Averbukh, Joel L 196934
Highgate School A V Latymer School B white Ben-Eshak, Nedal W 236630
Highgate School A V Westminster School A white Woltery, Nicolai L 255225
Highgate School V North Liverpool Academy white Terim, Bartu L 264041
Highgate School V Bristol GS white Zeng, Jonathan L 264107
Highgate School V Sevenoaks white Lokwani, Lakshya L 264185
Highgate School V UCS C white Morin, Julian W 349549
Highgate School V City of London white Botgros, Alex D 374464
Latymer School V Highgate School A black Burnton, Joshua L 150485
Westcliffe V Highgate black Khan, Ibrahim L 196854
Exeter V Highgate black Zhu, Pengxiao L 196970
Woodhouse College V Highgate School A black Bawany, Zaki L 248912
St Albans School V Highgate School black Dickinson, Conrad D 264087
Bluecoat School V Highgate School black Li, David L 264137
Westminster B V Highgate School black Gupta, Amey L 366118