Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Gregor Sanfey (19865) Sanfey, Gregor (307204G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Gregor Sanfey Sanfey, Gregor Gregor Sanfey
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-11-04 2006-11-04 2006-11-04
Club Latymer School Barnet Knights Latymer School
Grading Code 307204G 307204G 307204G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Latymer School V Judd GS white Metcalfe, Charlie P L 66463
Latymer School V Harrow School white Hargraves, Sean W 67815
Latymer School V Abbey School Reading white Rao, Shree W 68546
Latymer School V Haberdashers Askes Sch Herts B white Orgler, Lukas H W 86830
The Latymer School V City and Islington A white Voitov, Sean W 146718
The Latymer School V City and Islington B white Yomo, Randy W 147083
Latymer School V Highgate School A white Shapiro, Noah L 150482
Latymer School V University College School A white Harris, Finn L 168997
Latymer School A V North London Collegiate School A white Belur, Ankita D 252110
Latymer A V Brentwood B white Ferdhaus, Yahya W 351406
Latymer A V Brentwood B white Onuoha, Chiza W 351412
Latymer School A V Fortismere white Badacsonyi, Stanley L 372925
Wetherby V Latymer School black Aserkoff, Daniel D 67364
Tiffin School 2 V Latymer School black Pannu, Rajvir L 68534
Westminster B V The Latymer School black El Bachir, Yacine L 147057
University College School B V Latymer School black Thayaparan, Nizaaankan L 162447
QE Barnet V Latymer School A black John, Joshua L 255220
QE Barnet V Latymer School A black Thatte, Nishchal L 365129