Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joseph Thomas (21484) Thomas, Joseph (328757K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joseph Thomas Thomas, Joseph Joseph Thomas
Sex U U U
DOB 2006-05-13 2006-05-01 2006-05-13
Club Westcliff High School Westcliff High School Westcliff High School
Grading Code 328757K 328757K 328757K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Southend HS A V Westcliff High School B black Lacey, Luka L 74628
Westcliff High School A V Westcliff High School B black Cheung, Leonard C L 74634
Brentwood School B V Westcliff High School B black Dehmobedi, Michael L 74656
Norwich School V Westcliffe High B black Ambadkar, Jay L 161945
QEH V Westcliffe black Gao, Ian L 196813
Torquay BGS V Westcliffe black Holland, Bradley L 196921
Bolton school V Westcliffe black Logan, James L 196977
Westcliffe High A V Westcliffe High B black Cheung, Leonard C L 217824
Brentwood B V Westcliffe High B black Miles, Connor L 219047
Brentwood A V Westcliffe High B black Ferdhaus, Yahya L 247592
Brentwood A V Westcliffe High B black Ferdhaus, Yahya L 247598