Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Conrad Szarowicz (21511) Szarowicz, Conrad (317501H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Conrad Szarowicz Szarowicz, Conrad Conrad Szarowicz
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-04-27 2008-04-27 2008-04-27
Club Judd GS Claremont Primary School Tunbridge Wells Judd GS
Grading Code 317501H 317501H 317501H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Judd GS B V Maidstone GSB white Tyson, Alex W 74741
Judd GS B V Reserves white O’Neill, Otto stapely L 74747
Judd GS B V Tonbridge B white Varma, Vaidehi L 78763
Judd GS B V Hugh Christie School white Brown, Christian W 78815
Tonbridge School V Judd GS B black Chow, Kiefer L 74765
Judd GS A V Judd GS B black Oprea, Danny L 78514
Somerhill School V Judd GS B black Ganesh, Tarun L 78787