Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Noah Shapiro (21571) Shapiro, Noah (291146C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Noah Shapiro Shapiro, Noah Noah Shapiro
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-01-30 2006-01-30 2006-01-30
Club Highgate School Muswell Hill Highgate School
Grading Code 291146C 291146C 291146C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Highgate School A V St Johns Senior School B white Wei, Yugian W 75373
Highgate School A V University College School white Jain, Gautam R L 88271
Highgate School A V Latymer School B white Tropres, Adrien W 236629
Highgate School A V Westminster School A white Rushbrooke, Remy L 255224
Highgate School V North Liverpool Academy white Rovezi, Bashar L 264040
Highgate School V Bristol GS white Acharya, Kandara W 264106
Highgate School V Sevenoaks white Lohia, Siddhanth D 264184
Highgate School V UCS C white Saunders, Oliver W 349547
Highgate School V City of London white Gupta, Leonardo L 374463
Haberdashers Askes Sch Herts B V Highgate School A black Shah, Kian L 75180
University College School B V Highgate School A black Gozali, Gruffydd D 75303
Latymer School V Highgate School A black Sanfey, Gregor L 150482
Woodhouse College V Highgate School A black Maclean, Lewis L 248911
St Albans School V Highgate School black Cham, Alex L 264086
Bluecoat School V Highgate School black Zheng, Kevin L 264136
Westminster B V Highgate School black Adatia, Amar L 366117