Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Benjamin Bracey (21640) Bracey, Benjamin (322141G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Benjamin Bracey Bracey, Benjamin Benjamin Bracey
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-08-17 2005-08-17 2005-08-17
Club Stover School Plymouth Stover School
Grading Code 322141G 322141G 322141G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Stover School A V Stover School B white Hooper, Angus W 75459
Stover School V Devonport HS for Boys white Caleshu, Caleb L 237680
Teignmouth School V Stover School A black Jeffs, Alex L 75471
Churchill Academy V Stover School black Walker, Max L 83670
Latymer Upper V Stover School black Angell, SJ Thomas D 152644
Latymer Upper V Stover School black Angell, SJ Thomas L 152650
Torquay Boys' GS V Stover School black Holland, Bradley D 247074