Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Sivan Arunan (21777) Arunan, Sivan (317241H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Sivan Arunan Arunan, Sivan Sivan Arunan
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-09-15 2007-09-15 2007-09-15
Club Wilsons School Epsom Wilsons School
Grading Code 317241H 317241H 317241H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilson's D V Wilson's H white Mudunuri, Srihith W 76344
Wilson's 7C+ V Wilson's B white Fernando, Samino L 80561
Wilson's 7C+ V Wilson's 8C+ white Sherchan, Neo L 80707
Wilson's 7A V Wilson's 7B white Nair, Keshaav L 87901
Wilson's 7A V Wilson's 8B white Selvakumar, Vishnu W 87925
Wilson's 7A V Trinity 8 white Hurwitz, Sonny W 87941
Wilsons E V Tiffin D white Arbiter, Henry D 135231
Wilson's E V Glyn A white Zeynalli, Nial W 222812
Wilson's E V Trinity A white Philips, Eddie W 234461
Wilson's B V Wilson's D black Lodha, Idhant L 76402
Wilson's 8H+ V Wilson's 7C+ black Karunakaran, Kartihan L 80647
Wilson's 10 V Wilson's 7C+ black Jeyakanth, Ugas L 80675
Wilson's 8A V Wilson's 7A black Vu, Minh L 87909
Tiffin B V Wilsons E black Tsui, Gavin L 135261
Wilson's B V Wilson's E black Fear, Atticus L 222783
Ibstock V Wilson's E black Mansour , Kareem L 234479