Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Adam Ali (21787) Ali, Adnan (350424E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Adam Ali Ali, Adnan Adnan Ali
Sex M M M
DOB 2003-10-24 2006-01-15 2006-01-15
Club Wilsons School King Edward VI Aston King Edward VI Aston
Grading Code 305362D 350424E 350424E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilson's E V Wilson's B white Lodha, Idhant W 76350
Wilson's 11 V Wilson's 10 white Cotton, Ian S D 80704
Wilsons E V Kings College Junior School A white Patel, Sen W 85572
Wilson’s A V Wilson’s B white Boulanger, William L 114349
Wilsons C V Sutton A white Fear, Logan L 135209
Wilsons School B V RGS Guildford C white Patre, Shourya W 160084
Wilson's C V Elham A white Brasch, Florian L 180443
Wilson's C V Tiffin B white Wang, Alexander He W 180800
Wilson's G V Wilson's E black Jain, Advik L 76384
The Cedars School V Wilson's E black Teague, Michael L 76426
Wilson's 8H+ V Wilson's 11 black Lakshminarasimhan, Shriyans L 80570
Wilson's B V Wilson's 11 black Fernando, Samino L 80631
Hampton school V Wilsons B black Hammond, Benjamin L 90776
Tiffin D V Wilsons C black Khan, Masroor L 135186
Wilsons D V Wilsons C black Cotton, Ian S L 135251
Wilson's D V Wilson's C black Jeyakanth, Ugas L 180487