Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Adam Ali (21787) Ali, Amir (359509C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Adam Ali Ali, Amir Amir Ali
Sex M M M
DOB 2003-10-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-17
Club Wilsons School SASCA SASCA
Grading Code 305362D 359509C 359509C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilson's E V Wilson's B white Lodha, Idhant W 76350
Wilson's 11 V Wilson's 10 white Cotton, Ian S D 80704
Wilsons E V Kings College Junior School A white Patel, Sen W 85572
Wilson’s A V Wilson’s B white Boulanger, William L 114349
Wilsons C V Sutton A white Fear, Logan L 135209
Wilsons School B V RGS Guildford C white Patre, Shourya W 160084
Wilson's C V Elham A white Brasch, Florian L 180443
Wilson's C V Tiffin B white Wang, Alexander He W 180800
Wilson's G V Wilson's E black Jain, Advik L 76384
The Cedars School V Wilson's E black Teague, Michael L 76426
Wilson's 8H+ V Wilson's 11 black Lakshminarasimhan, Shriyans L 80570
Wilson's B V Wilson's 11 black Fernando, Samino L 80631
Hampton school V Wilsons B black Hammond, Benjamin L 90776
Tiffin D V Wilsons C black Khan, Masroor L 135186
Wilsons D V Wilsons C black Cotton, Ian S L 135251
Wilson's D V Wilson's C black Jeyakanth, Ugas L 180487