Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Cyrus Buckman (22178) Buckman, Cyrus (299588J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Cyrus Buckman Buckman, Cyrus Cyrus Buckman
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-12-23 2007-12-23 2007-12-23
Club Eltham College London SE * Eltham College
Grading Code 299588J 299588J 299588J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eltham College A V Eltham College B white Pagliari, Benedict W 78519
Eltham College A V Skinners School white Mannix, Harry L 78780
Eltham College V Tonbridge School white Munn, Fred W 153151
Eltham College V Tonbridge School white Munn, Fred L 153157
Eltham A V St Andrews B white Gamber, Sebastian W 237207
Eltham A V Wilson's A white Verma, Shlok L 237229
Eltham A V Wilson's B white Kandari, Aryaman L 237596
Eltham College V Wilson’s D white Somineni, Bharath L 248391
Eltham A V Judd A white Rowe, Daniel L 333291
Eltham A V Sevenoaks A white Clerici, Edoardo Maria L 333374
Eltham V Wilson's A white Dupuis, Denis K L 371121
Reserves V Eltham College A black Blaney, Alexander L 78756
Solefield V Eltham College A black Martin, Alexander L 78804
Caterham V Eltham A black Lam, Samuel L 237572
Wilsons A V Eltham College black Yu, X Henry L 256941
Sevenoaks B V Eltham A black Hawkins, Liam L 333266
Simon Langton A V Eltham A black Hoscan, Sinan L 333334
Whitgift V Eltham black De Almeida, Elan D 363154