Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jaime Ashworth (23639) Ashworth, Jaime (289702H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jaime Ashworth Ashworth, Jaime Jaime Ashworth
Sex F F F
DOB 2006-09-29 2006-09-29 2006-09-29
Club Denmark Road School Wotton Hall Denmark Road School
Grading Code 289702H 289702H 289702H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Denmark Road School V St John's College white Chung, Ethan L 84374
Denmark Road A V Star Reserves white Goodhew, Finn L 96786
Denmark Road A V Clifton College A white Wu, David L 96842
Denmark Road HS V The Commonweal School white Mohammed , Faizan L 248833
Denmark Road HS V Sir Thomas Rich white Chan, Curtis L 344781
Gordano B V Denmark Road A black Faram, Lucas L 92414
Bristol GS A V Denmark Road A black Zeng, Jonathan L 96854
Bristol GS A V Denmark Road School black Acharya, Kandara L 150122
Bristol GS A V Denmark Road School black Acharya, Kandara L 150128
Hereford Cathedral School V Denmark Road HS black Crompton, Josh L 235654