Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Harry Z Zheng (23690) Zheng, Harry Z (301310J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Harry Z Zheng Zheng, Harry Z Harry Z Zheng
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-08-25 2010-08-25 2010-08-25
Club Westminster Under School Northumberland Juniors Westminster Under School
Grading Code 301310J 301310J 301310J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Westminster Under School V Wetherby School white Aserkoff, Daniel W 85170
Westminster Under V Bishop Douglas School white Minamisawa, Masashi W 219317
Westminster Under School V Westminster B white Yu, Daniel L 256684
Westminster A V St Paul's Juniors white Zhang, Junyi W 374042
Westminster A V Hereward House white Chen, George D 447209
Westminster A V Westminster B white Li, Ethan bingxuan D 447281
St Pauls School V Westminster Under School black Tombolis, Christopher L 87733
City of London School V Westminster Under School black Yoon, Jacob D L 250253
Greenford High School A V Westminster A black Alrubaye, Elias D 365101
Tiffin A V Westminster A black Lam, Isaac L 447257