Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Justin Ho (23845) Ho, Justin (331423G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Justin Ho Ho, Justin Justin Ho
Sex U U U
DOB 2005-01-31 2005-01-31 2005-01-31
Club Maidstone GSB Maidstone GSB Maidstone GSB
Grading Code 331423G 331423G 331423G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Maidstone Grammar 1 V Skinners 2 white Belousov, Dmitry D 86583
Maidstone Grammar 1 V Hugh Christie 1 white Payne, Robert W 86631
Maidstone A V Tonbridge B white Munn, Fred W 137121
Maidstone A V Skinners A white Middleton, James L 137186
Maidstone GS V Kings School Canterbury white Selyukov, Timofey L 151332
Maidstone GS V Kings School Canterbury white Selyukov, Timofey L 153158
Eltham College 1 V Maidstone Grammar 1 black Mao, Ximan L 86559
Maidstone Grammar 2 V Maidstone Grammar 1 black Tyson, Alex L 86611
Maidstone B V Maidstone A black Wilson, Saul L 137216