Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Dylan Roberts (23849) Roberts, David N (118013H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Dylan Roberts Roberts, David N David N Roberts
Sex M M
DOB 2005-12-26 1959-09-15 1959-09-15
Club Hugh Christie School Horsham Horsham
Grading Code 322328A 118013H 118013H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Hugh Christie 1 V Skinners 1 white Pritchard, Lorcan L 86561
Hugh Christie 1 V Hugh Christie 2 white Fowler, Matthew W 86597
Bennett V Hugh Christie 1 black Miah, Mahie L 86585
Maidstone Grammar 1 V Hugh Christie 1 black Kurzepa, Grzegorz L 86629