Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jerry Z Zheng (23956) Zheng, Jerry Z (299732A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jerry Z Zheng Zheng, Jerry Z Jerry Z Zheng
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-12-04 2007-12-04 2007-12-04
Club Westminster Under School Forest Hall Westminster Under School
Grading Code 299732A 299732A 299732A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Westminster B V The Latymer School white Erez, Uri L 147056
Westminster B V St Pauls Girls School white Karas, Eugenia L 219305
Westminster School A V University College School A white Haines, Alex W 248904
Westminster A V Latymer Upper white McBrinn, Conall W 347384
Westminster A V St Paul's Juniors white Waldschmidt, Philip W 374046
St Pauls School V Westminster Under School black Zhao, Haolin L 87734
City and Islington B V Westminster B black Boyko, Maksim L 146729
Fortismere B V Westminster B black Weisfeld, Rafi L 147086
City of London Academy Highbury Grove A V Westminster School B black Anguile, Andre L 152309
City of London School for Boys A V Westminster School A black Gibson, Ben L 167681
Highgate School A V Westminster School A black McKie, Rosie L 255228