Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Denis K Dupuis (37647) Dupuis, Denis K (305124K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Denis K Dupuis Dupuis, Denis K Denis K Dupuis
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-02-27 2009-02-27 2009-02-27
Club Wilsons School Battersea Wilsons School
Grading Code 305124K 305124K 305124K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons School A V Wilsons School C white Gan, Mark W 151920
Wilsons School A V Kings College School A white Ratnesan, Rajeiv D 160088
Wilsons A V Wilsons B white Popli, Ronik W 174524
Wilsons A V Tiffin school white Mathew, Johan W 174552
Wilsons A V Kings College A white Soulier, Alfred W 174588
Wilsons A V Notts HS white Golding, James W 174608
Wilsons V Tiffin white Lam, Isaac W 178332
Wilson's A V Trinity A white Gilbert, Benjy W 179831
Wilson's A V KCSJ C white Ali, Shahyan W 180368
Wilson's A V Tiffin B white Wang, Alexander He W 180438
Wilson's A V Wilson's B white Vaidya, Raghav W 180763
Wilsons V Torquay BGS white Holland, Bradley W 196805
Wilsons V Notts HS white Lee, Richard W 196894
Wilsons V Tiffin white Chatterjee, Sagnik W 196954
Wilson's A V Eltham B white Lamb, Freddie W 237190
Wilson's A V Tiffin A white Hammond, Ben W 237479
Wilsons A V Eltham College white Brasch, Florian W 256940
Wilson's School V QEH white Gao, Ian L 264143
Wilson's A V Dulwich A white Chen, Ching Lun W 365143
Brentwood school V Wilsons A black Pert, Max P L 174475
Bolton School V Wilsons A black Malik, Mustafa L 174527
Urmston GS V Wilsons A black Khan, Shahzaib L 174559
Kings College B V Wilsons A black Poghosyan, Jake L 174599
Hampton V Wilsons black Lapidus, Alexey M L 178338
Wilson's B V Wilson's A black Gan, Mark L 180261
Wilson's C V Wilson's A black Weedon, Arlo L 180406
Sutton A V Wilson's A black Jonikas, Augustas L 180470
Tiffin A V Wilson's A black Lam, Isaac L 180787
QEH V Wilsons black Jiang, Jason L 196926
Eltham A V Wilson's A black Brasch, Florian L 237228
Sutton V Wilson's A black Fear, Logan L 237591
Whitgift V Wilsons A black Guthrie, William L 248754
Nottingham HS V Wilson's School black Gogia, Armaan L 264061
Sevenoaks V Wilson's School black Kühn von Burgsdorff, Johannes L 264121
Tiffin School V Wilson's School black Usharovsky, Ron L 264187
Round 2 black Christou-Moore, Freddie L 285539
Eltham V Wilson's A black Buckman, Cyrus L 371121