Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Shourya Gupta (37652) Gupta, Shreya (312425D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Shourya Gupta Gupta, Shreya Shreya Gupta
Sex M F F
DOB 2008-09-28 2008-11-02 2008-11-02
Club Wilsons School Wiltshire Juniors Denmark Road School
Grading Code 340097K 312425D 312425D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons E V Tiffin D white Spicer, Jack W 135232
Wilsons B V Brentwood school white Mouratidis, Markos L 174497
Wilsons B V Bolton School white Giannakopoulos, Filippos W 174558
Wilsons B V Kings College B white Ali, Shahyan L 174613
Wilson's B V Wilson's A white Bharat Kumar, Balahari L 180262
Reserves V Wilson's B white Doyle, Joshua L 180389
Sutton A V Wilsons E black Wong, Jen Sean L 135167
Wilsons School A V Wilsons School C black Boulanger, William L 151921
Wilsons A V Wilsons B black Venkatesh, Anuj V L 174526
Kings College A V Wilsons B black Kumar, Sanjit S L 174597
Tiffin C V Wilson's B black Chakrvarti, Jay L 179876
KCSJ C V Wilson's B black Hill-Wood, F Oliver A L 180412