Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Pratyush Manchandia (50740) Manchandia, Pratyush (317807K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Pratyush Manchandia Manchandia, Pratyush Pratyush Manchandia
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-06-24 2007-06-24 2007-06-24
Club Wilsons School Coulsdon Chess Club Wilsons School
Grading Code 317807K 317807K 317807K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons C V Sutton A white Averbukh, Joel L 135210
Wilsons School B V RGS Guildford C white Atara, Umun W 160080
Wilson's B V Tiffin A white Linton, Anixton D 180476
Wilson's F V Wilson's E white Lodha, Idhant W 180802
Wilson's C V Glyn A white McDonald, Joseph W 222805
Wilson's C V St Andrews B white Gamber, Sebastian W 234423
Wilson's B V St Andrews A white Walters, Dominic W 237198
Wilson's B V Ibstock B white O'Donoghue, Liam W 237548
Wilson's B V Wilson's C white Gan, Mark W 267082
Tiffin D V Wilsons C black Huynh, William L 135187
Wilsons D V Wilsons C black Fear, Atticus L 135252
Gordon School A V Wilsons School B black Roberts, Oliver L 151714
Wilson's D V Wilson's B black Eden, Daniel L 180460
Wilson's A V Wilson's B black Yu, X Henry L 180765
St Andrews A V Wilson's C black Yalin, Berkay L 222787
Whitgift V Wilson's C black Luk, Danbe L 222816
Wilson’s B V Wilson’s C black Gunarathna, Poorwa L 233996
Tiffin B V Wilson's B black Mathew, Johan L 237237
KCS V Wilson's B black Buanne, Luca L 267062