Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Aryaman Kandari (50742) Kandari, Aryaman (342388J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Aryaman Kandari Kandari, Aryaman Aryaman Kandari
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-11-07 2004-11-07 2004-11-07
Club Wilsons School Wilsons School Wilsons School
Grading Code 342388J 342388J 342388J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons D V Sutton C white Guo, Jun W 135194
Wilsons D V Wilsons C white Venkatesh, Anuj V D 135253
Wilsons School B V RGS Guildford C white Panda, Devansh W 160082
Wilson's B V Tiffin A white Mathew, Johan W 180475
Wilson's B V Whitgift A white Pham, Wei-Shun W 180793
Wilson's B V Wilson's E white Papneja, Vedant L 222780
Wilson's B V Whitgift white Luk, Danbe W 222798
Wilson's B V St Andrews A white Tsang, Raf W 237199
Wilsons A V Eltham College white Manikandan, Gaurav D 256943
Sutton B V Wilsons D black Gyorgy, Marton L 135223
Sutton Grammar School A V Wilsons School D black Fear, Logan D 149549
RGS Guildford A V Wilsons School B black Borissow, Magnus L 169009
Wilson's D V Wilson's B black Fear, Atticus L 180459
Wilson's A V Wilson's B black Verma, Shlok L 180764
Trinity B V Wilson's B black Jayasinghe, Mahen L 234452
Trinity A V Wilson's B black Sarai, Kristian L 234974
Tiffin B V Wilson's B black Varghese, David J L 237238
Eltham A V Wilson's B black Buckman, Cyrus L 237596