Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Liam Hawkins (51205) Hawkins, Liam (325550F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Liam Hawkins Hawkins, Liam Liam Hawkins
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-10-21 2009-10-21 2009-10-21
Club Sevenoaks School Tonbridge * Sevenoaks School
Grading Code 325550F 325550F 325550F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Sevenoaks V All Stars white Tinker, Harry W 137224
Sevenoaks B V St Olaves B white Anvari, Arvin L 222663
Sevenoaks B V Eltham A white Buckman, Cyrus L 333266
Sevenoaks B V Harvey A white Alquraish, Abdullah L 333346
Skinners A V Sevenoaks black Currah, Giovanni L 137092
Tonbridge B V Sevenoaks black Doughty, Byron L 137194
Sevenoaks A V Sevenoaks B black Clerici, Edoardo Maria L 222450
Tonbridge B V Sevenoaks B black Wang, Yijun L 222681
Simon Langton B V Sevenoaks B black Parr, Harry Rigden L 333316
Harvey B V Sevenoaks B black Dart, Kaspar L 333402