Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Dean Stapleton (51663) Stapleton, Dean (310250G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Dean Stapleton Stapleton, Dean Dean Stapleton
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-08-31 2006-08-31 2006-08-31
Club Nottingham HS West Nottingham Nottingham HS
Grading Code 310250G 310250G 310250G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Nottingham HS B V Stamford white Andrews, Henry W 137527
Nottingham HS B V King Edwards School Birmingham white Mesropyan, Hayk L 162362
Notts HS V Bolton school white Mishra, Amritansh W 196832
Notts HS V RGS Newcastle white Cheung, Clarke W 196968
Nottingham HS B V Bourne GS B white Eling, Lucas W 235756
Nottingham HS B V Nottingham HS A white Wang, Susie L 245589
Nottingham HS V Wilson's School white Agrawal, Shivam L 264063
NHS A V NHS B white Zhu, Yingye W 357772
NHS A V Bourne B white Neal, Freddie L 359672
Nottingham HS D V Nottingham HS B black Prestwich, Charles L 137488
Bourne A V Nottingham HS B black Kandikattu, Sai L 137503
Sir Thomas Rich V Notts HS black Jani, Ishan L 196844
Wilsons V Notts HS black Yu, X Henry L 196896
Bristol GS V Notts HS black Zeng, Jonathan L 196932
Kings School Grantham V Nottingham HS A black Marlor, Joseph D 256682
Morpeth V Nottingham HS black Forster, George L 264037
Bristol GS V Nottingham HS black Zeng, Jonathan L 264153
Taunton School V Nottingham HS black Eavis, Mark L 264181
NHS C V NHS A black Mathur, Alex L 359648
Bourne A V NHS A black Mackay, Cayden L 359680
Kings Grantham V Nottingham HS A black Balolhi, Adithya L 362137
Bourne A V Nottingham HS A black Eveleigh, Elliott L 373522