Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Oliver Drew (51664) Drew, Oliver (310170J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Oliver Drew Drew, Oliver Oliver Drew
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-09-15 2008-09-15 2008-09-15
Club Nottingham HS Nottinghamshire Juniors Nottingham HS
Grading Code 310170J 310170J 310170J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Nottingham HS B V Stamford white Morse, Harvey W 137528
Nottingham High School A V Dronfield Henry Fanshawe B white Gaunt, Will W 165118
Notts HS V Wilsons B white Doyle, Joshua L 174471
Notts HS V Tiffin school white Subin, Samvrit W 174515
Notts HS V Kings College A white Soulier, Alfred L 174543
Notts HS V Brentwood school white Pert, Max P L 174603
Nottingham HS D V Nottingham HS B black Babu, Guhan L 137489
Bourne A V Nottingham HS B black Carver, Gabriel L 137504
Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School V Nottingham HS B black Thorp, Alexander D 151767
Dronfield Henry Fanshawe A V Nottingham High School A black Pearson, James L 165110
Nottingham High School B V Nottingham High School A black Jeenkeri, Aditya L 165126
Bolton School V Notts HS black Malik, Mustafa L 174499
Urmston GS V Notts HS black Khan, Shahzaib L 174531
Kings College B V Notts HS black Poghosyan, Jake L 174563
Wilsons A V Notts HS black Verma, Shlok L 174607
Nottingham HS B V Nottingham HS A black Pannu, Aaron L 245592