Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Leo Klimov (53113) Klimov, Leo (344546L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Leo Klimov Klimov, Leo Leo Klimov
Sex U U U
DOB 2009-11-21 2009-11-21 2009-11-21
Club Tiffin School Tiffin School Tiffin School
Grading Code 344546L 344546L 344546L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Tiffin F V JAGS A white Knight-Webb, Cordelia L 141016
Tiffin C V Wilson's B white Doyle, Joshua L 179874
Tiffin C V Wilson's E white Aiyyapan, Sudersen L 180393
KCS U13 B V Tiffin F black Singh, Hari L 140995
JAGS B V Tiffin F black Edwards, Caroline-Olivia L 141046
JAGS V Tiffin C black Crawford, Arabella L 180348
Trinity B V Tiffin C black Stueck, Otto L 180429