Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ruth Kifle (53134) Kifle, Ruth (344560E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ruth Kifle Kifle, Ruth Ruth Kifle
Sex U U U
DOB 2009-12-31 2009-12-31 2009-12-31
Club James Allens Girls School James Allens Girls School James Allens Girls School
Grading Code 344560E 344560E 344560E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
JAGS B V Tiffin E white Tang, Zi Jian L 141014
JAGS B V Tiffin F white Patel, Avnish L 141050
JAGS V Tiffin C white Savage, Joshua L 180349
JAGS V Ibstock Place white Bianchi, Carla W 180434
JAGS V KCS B white Coleman, Matthew L 227830
JAGS V Tiffin E white Ajayi, Tife L 227920
James Allen’s Girls School V Westminster under School white Taxiarchis, Philip L 236660
KCS U13 C V JAGS B black Singh-Raj, Aryan L 141038
Eltham College V JAGS black Welensky, Robert L 180253
Trinity B V JAGS black Debebe, Nakutalab L 180398
Southfields V JAGS black Keng Akpabio, Burley L 227872
Westminster under School V James Allen’s Girls School black Taxiarchis, Philip L 236654