Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Elizabeth Kuryan (54070) Kuryan, Elizabeth (318632F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Elizabeth Kuryan Kuryan, Elizabeth Elizabeth Kuryan
Sex F F F
DOB 2009-04-16 2009-04-16 2009-04-16
Club Latymer School Barnet Knights Latymer School
Grading Code 318632F 318632F 318632F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
The Latymer School V City and Islington A white Manuel, Angus W 146720
The Latymer School V City and Islington B white Oykener, Emek W 147082
Latymer School V Highgate School A white Burbidge, Jonathan L 150484
Latymer School V University College School A white Orr, Rowan L 168999
Latymer School A V North London Collegiate School A white Davis, Kayla L 252113
Latymer School V Brentwood B white Phillips, Thomas W 270726
Westminster B V The Latymer School black Irwan Shahrin, Irfan Adam L 147059
University College School B V Latymer School black Kleyner, Alexander L 162449