Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joshua Burnton (54071) Burnton, Joshua (325997D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joshua Burnton Burnton, Joshua Joshua Burnton
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-09-30 2009-09-30 2009-09-30
Club Latymer School Barnet Juniors Latymer School
Grading Code 325997D 325997D 325997D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
The Latymer School V City and Islington B white Lamarque, Ella W 147084
Latymer School V Highgate School A white Sarkar, Rian L 150485
Latymer School V University College School A white Jorgensen, Lukas W 169000
Latymer School A V North London Collegiate School A white Patel, Leela Maya W 252111
Latymer School V Brentwood B white Kishore Kumar, Anushka W 270723
Latymer School V KCL Maths School white Singhal, Siddhant W 270779
Latymer A V Brentwood B white Akinrin, Jola W 351407
Latymer A V Brentwood B white Shevchenko, Oleksii W 351413
Latymer School A V Fortismere white Badacsonyi, Frankie L 372926
University College School B V Latymer School black Enraught-Moony, Finn L 162450
QE Barnet V Latymer School A black Tao, Jason L 255221
Winchester V Latymer School black Aubury, Ben L 270755
QE Barnet V Latymer School A black Tao, Jason L 365131