Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Henry Roskill (54307) Roskill, Henry (316744G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Henry Roskill Roskill, Henry Henry Roskill
Sex U U U
DOB 2004-07-25 2004-07-25 2004-07-25
Club Radley College Radley College Radley College
Grading Code 316744G 316744G 316744G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Radley A V St Clares white Avakyan, David D 150417
Radley A V Aylesbury GS white Hussain, Humza W 150427
Radley A V Cotswold B white Wills, Luca W 150457
Radley V Magdalen College School B white Sui, Yueyue W 151268
Radley V Magdalen College School B white Sui, Yueyue W 151274
Magdalen College School A V Radley College black Zakarian, Dimitrios Levon L 163391