Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alexander Kleyner (54446) Kleyner, Alexander (322909K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alexander Kleyner Kleyner, Alexander Alexander Kleyner
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-05-25 2010-05-25 2010-05-25
Club University College School University College School University College School
Grading Code 322909K 322909K 322909K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
UCS B V Highgate C white Davies, Eddie W 149266
UCS B V UCS D white Hayes, Joseph W 155691
University College School B V Latymer School white Kuryan, Elizabeth L 162449
Mill Hill County V University College School B black Dhanapala, Rivi L 151283
Mill Hill County V University College School B black Dhanapala, Rivi L 151289
UCS C V UCS B black Enraught-Moony, Finn L 155708
Mill Hill B V UCS C black Parhar, Jai L 355273
Mill Hill C V UCS C black Yaari, Neta L 355309
Mill Hill A V UCS C black Fidler, Jack L 355320