Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Piran Wills (54766) Wills, Piran (341868G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Piran Wills Wills, Piran Piran Wills
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 2007-03-21 1970-01-01
Club Torquay Grammar School Torquay Grammar School Torquay Grammar School
Grading Code 341868G 341868G 341868G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
TBGS A V TBGS B white Blatchford, William W 150735
Torquay Grammar School V Exeter School white Roberts, Matthew W 162875
Torquay Grammar School V Taunton School white Beviss, Amarra W 167124
Torquay BGS V St Mary’s white Wu, Feitong D 196859
Torquay BGS V Westcliffe white Cheung, Leonard C D 196923
Torquay Boys' GS V Stover School white Powis, Freddie W 247076
Torquay A V Colyton A white Ralph, Toby D 348391
Torquay A V Exeter Maths School B white Perratt, Charlie W 348480
Torquay Boys' GS V Devonport HSB white Phaneuf, Devrim L 362668
Round 1 white Hill, Charlie W 458017
Round 2 white Sandford, Ashton W 458033
Round 3 white Mackey, Ailig W 458049
Devonport High School for Boys V Torquay Grammar School black Travers, Rocky L 151035
Colyton A V TBGS A black Burrough, Harry L 155337
Wilsons V Torquay BGS black Babu, Rahul L 196807
RGS Newcastle V Torquay BGS black Robinson, Ben D 196947
Sir Thomas Rich V Torquay BGS black Cole, Gabe L 196975
Exeter Maths School V Torquay Boys' GS black Paul, Ted D 254776
Exeter School V Torquay A black Hill, Charlie L 348427