Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of George Dow (55091) Dow, George (345260J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name George Dow Dow, George George Dow
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-11-12 2005-11-12 2005-11-12
Club Exeter School Exeter School Exeter School
Grading Code 345260J 345260J 345260J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Exeter School V Colyton Grammar School white Pasupulety, Tejas W 152503
Exeter School V Colyton Grammar School white Pasupulety, Tejas W 152509
Exeter V Tiffin white Mathew, Johan W 196812
Exeter V RGS Newcastle white Cheung, Clarke W 196904
Exeter V Highgate white Richards, Esther W 196972
Exeter School V Taunton School white Pavylyk, Nazani W 351701
Torquay Grammar School V Exeter School black Bartram, Jake L 162874
Bolton school V Exeter black Mishra, Amritansh L 196848
Sir Thomas Rich V Exeter black Jani, Ishan L 196944
Colyton B V Exeter School A black Marsh, Robert L 229166
Taunton School V Exeter School black Freeman, James D 235812
Torquay C V Exeter School black Anam, Bilal L 348384
Devonport V Exeter School black Kunwar, Ayush L 348435
Devonport HSB V Exeter School black Wotton, Ben L 376649