Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Connor Miles (55288) Miles, Connor (342005L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Connor Miles Miles, Connor Connor Miles
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-08-27 2007-08-27 2007-08-27
Club Brentwood School Brentwood Brentwood School
Grading Code 342005L 342005L 342005L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Brentwood B V Southend HS white Pereslavtsev, Alexandr L 219017
Brentwood B V Westcliffe High B white Thomas, Joseph L 219047
Round 1 white Scola, George L 432570
Round 3 white Kishore Kumar, Anushka L 432648
Bishop's Stortford V Brentwood black Ezra, Jet L 153903
Bishop's Stortford V Brentwood black Ezra, Jet L 153909
St Thomas More HS V Brentwood B black Dave, Pranay L 219035
Round 2 black Chatti, Charan L 432620