Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jack Smith (55823) Smith, Jack (343266L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jack Smith Smith, Jack Jack Smith
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-04-29 2005-04-29 2005-04-29
Club Torquay Grammar School Teignmouth Torquay Grammar School
Grading Code 343266L 343266L 343266L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Torquay BGS V St Mary’s white Francis, Daniel L 196860
Torquay BGS V Westcliffe white Cole, Max D 196924
Torquay Boys' GS V Stover School white Quartley, Oliver D 247078
TBGS A V TBGS B black Gibbs, James L 150730
Devonport High V TBGS B black Caleshu, Caleb L 155338
Wilsons V Torquay BGS black Yu, X Henry L 196808
RGS Newcastle V Torquay BGS black Cheung, Clarke D 196948
Sir Thomas Rich V Torquay BGS black Jani, Ishan L 196976
Exeter Maths School V Torquay Boys' GS black Mackellar, James L 254778