Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Stephen Goodlad (55838) Goodlad, Stephen (312166F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Stephen Goodlad Goodlad, Stephen Stephen Goodlad
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-04-30 2007-04-30 2007-04-30
Club Dame Alice Owen London * Dame Alice Owen
Grading Code 312166F 312166F 312166F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Dame Alice Owens V Beaumont School white Ball, Charlie J W 155396
Dame Alice Owens V Beaumont School white Ball, Charlie J W 155397
Dame Alice Owens School V St Albans School white Shergill, Milan W 238427
Dame Alice Owens V Mill Hill CHS white Fidler, Jack W 349542
Round 1 white Ball, Charlie J L 453778
Round 2 white Jasko, Conrad W 453793
Haberdashers' A V Dame Alice Owens School black Brass, Ezra L 246175
Beaumont School V Dame Alice Owens black Shaporenkov, Robert L 347703
St Albans A V Dame Alice Owens black Shergill, Milan L 348494
St Albans B V Dame Alice Owens black Democratis, Alex L 348500
Haberdashers' A V Dame Alice Owens black Leslie, Alex L 368222
Round 3 black Orsmond, Codie L 453740