Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Marlon Wen (57081) Wen, Marlon (346240H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Marlon Wen Wen, Marlon Marlon Wen
Sex U U U
DOB 2007-02-19 2007-02-19 2007-02-19
Club Bolton School Bolton School Bolton School
Grading Code 346240H 346240H 346240H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bolton A V Manchester GS white Inglott, Max L 168198
Bolton school V Exeter white Hughes, Albert W 196847
Bolton school V Sir Thomas Rich white Cole, Gabe W 196915
Bolton school V Westcliffe white Cheung, Leonard C W 196979
Bolton A V St Christopher’s C of E white Kent, Liam W 256511
Bolton A V Bluecoat School B white Chen, Martin Yaoming W 364914
Altringham GS V Bolton A black Velavan, Pranav L 163606
Notts HS V Bolton school black Arlachova, Alexandra L 196831
Tiffin V Bolton school black Lam, Isaac L 196939
Manchester GS V Bolton A black Prothero, Dylan L 258121
Manchester GS A V Bolton A black So, Hercules L 372933