Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ben Hammond (57585) Hammond, Ben (319768C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ben Hammond Hammond, Ben Ben Hammond
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-01-10 2010-01-10 2010-01-10
Club Surrey Juniors Surrey Juniors Surrey Juniors
Grading Code 319768C 319768C 319768C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Tiffin A V Caterham white Lin, Rodney L 237232
Tiffin School V Solihull School white Morris, Roma W 264028
Tiffin School V Bluecoat School white Zheng, Kevin L 264102
Tiffin School V Wilson's School white Babu, Rahul L 264188
Ibstock A V Tiffin A black Madhok, Rishabh L 237194
Wilson's A V Tiffin A black Dupuis, Denis K L 237479
Ibstock B V Tiffin A black Croston, Matthew L 237605
Kings College Lower School V Tiffin A black Soulier, Alfred L 247091
Kings College A V Tiffin A black Ali, Shahvez L 256674
North Liverpool Academy V Tiffin School black Rovezi, Bashar L 264082
Sevenoaks V Tiffin School black Lohia, Siddhanth L 264148