Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Arun Singh (58789) Singh, Aaryan (299126D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Arun Singh Singh, Aaryan Aaryan Singh
Sex U M M
DOB 2009-10-15 2006-10-03 2006-10-03
Club Urmston GS King Edwards School Birmingham King Edwards School Birmingham
Grading Code 340797E 299126D 299126D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Urmston GS V Kings College A white Ghosh, Kabir A L 174510
Urmston GS V Wilsons A white Venkatesh, Anuj V L 174562
Urmston GS V Bolton School white Giannakopoulos, Filippos W 174594
Urmston A V Altringham B white Saini, Vishakh L 316708
Urmston A V Urmston B white Holman, Riley W 316717
Kings College B V Urmston GS black Blicharz, Maks L 174514
Wilsons B V Urmston GS black Weedon, Arlo L 174582
Tiffin school V Urmston GS black Muddana, Shriyans L 174622
Altringham GSB A V Urmston GS black Gupta, Arnar L 219009
Altringham GSB B V Urmston GS black Fikhter, Valentine L 219015