Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Arun Singh (58789) Singh, Arun (340797E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Arun Singh Singh, Arun Arun Singh
Sex U M U
DOB 2009-10-15 2009-10-15 2009-10-15
Club Urmston GS Greater Manchester * Urmston GS
Grading Code 340797E 340797E 340797E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Urmston GS V Kings College A white Ghosh, Kabir A L 174510
Urmston GS V Wilsons A white Venkatesh, Anuj V L 174562
Urmston GS V Bolton School white Giannakopoulos, Filippos W 174594
Urmston A V Altringham B white Saini, Vishakh L 316708
Urmston A V Urmston B white Holman, Riley W 316717
Kings College B V Urmston GS black Blicharz, Maks L 174514
Wilsons B V Urmston GS black Weedon, Arlo L 174582
Tiffin school V Urmston GS black Muddana, Shriyans L 174622
Altringham GSB A V Urmston GS black Gupta, Arnar L 219009
Altringham GSB B V Urmston GS black Fikhter, Valentine L 219015