Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Danbe Luk (59778) Luk, Danbe (341730L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Danbe Luk Luk, Danbe Danbe Luk
Sex M M M
DOB 2011-01-11 2011-01-11 2011-01-11
Club Whitgift School Sutton/Cheam * Whitgift School
Grading Code 341730L 341730L 341730L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Whitgift A V Wilson's C white Sahdev, Varun W 180770
Whitgift V Wilson's D white Doyle, Joshua W 222792
Whitgift V Wilson's C white Manchandia, Pratyush W 222816
Whitgift V Wilsons A white Verma, Shlok W 248751
Whitgift V Eltham white Merriman, James D 363151
Whitgift V Wilson's B white Vaidya, Raghav L 459454
Wilson's E V Whitgift A black Lodha, Idhant D 180465
Elham A V Whitgift A black Merriman, James L 180477
Wilson's B V Whitgift A black Bharat Kumar, Balahari D 180790
Wilson's B V Whitgift black Kandari, Aryaman L 222798
Cheam HS V Whitgift black Vatsa, Bharat L 234904
Tiffin D V Whitgift black Bastow, Jake L 236069
Wilson's C V Whitgift black Gaiyp, Dinmukhammad L 349558
Ibstock V Whitgift black Croston, Matthew L 459424
Wilson's A V Whitgift black Babu, Rahul L 459466