Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Finn Macauley-Conway (67445) Macauley-Conway, Finn (350401D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Finn Macauley-Conway Macauley-Conway, Finn Finn Macauley-Conway
Sex U U U
DOB 2009-07-20 2009-07-20 2009-07-20
Club St Andrews School St Andrews School St Andrews School
Grading Code 350401D 350401D 350401D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Andrews B V St Andrews A white Walters, Dominic L 207029
St Andrews B V Glyn white McDonald, Joseph L 207041
St Andrews A V Wilson's C white Chaudhury, Jack L 222786
St Andrews A V Wilson's D white Doyle, Joshua L 222822
St Andrews B V Cheam B white Jow, Seong-Ryeong W 237586
Wilson's V St Andrews B black Gunarathna, Poorwa L 207025
Cheam HS V St Andrews A black Cichon, Jan L 234918
Eltham A V St Andrews B black Merriman, James L 237205
Eltham B V St Andrews B black Pagliari, Benedict L 237247
Trinity A V St Andrews B black Chopra, Dylan L 237620