Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Sebastian Walters (67453) Walters, Sebastian (345837E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Sebastian Walters Walters, Sebastian Sebastian Walters
Sex M M M
DOB 2011-02-16 2011-02-16 2011-02-16
Club St Andrews School Wey Valley Juniors St Andrews School
Grading Code 345837E 345837E 345837E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Andrews A V Glyn white Carlin, Joshua W 207022
St Andrews A V Wilson's white Shin, Minhyuk L 207038
St Andrews A V Wilson's C white An, Hongyu D 222789
St Andrews A V Wilson's D white Popli, Ronik L 222825
St Andrews A V Cheam A white Vatsa, Bharat W 237255
St Andrews A V Caterham white Marsden, Rupert L 237612
St Andrew's V St Olave's white Mehta, Shaurya L 459436
St Andrews B V St Andrews A black Fasser, Adar kokou-Tchri L 207030
Cheam HS V St Andrews A black Vatsa, Bharat L 234921
Wilson's B V St Andrews A black Vaidya, Raghav L 237197
Trinity A V St Andrews A black Chopra, Dylan L 237578
Trinity B V St Andrew's black Speight, Harry L 459460