Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Andrew Zhou (68715) Zhou, Andrew (350431B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Andrew Zhou Zhou, Andrew Andrew Zhou
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-08-19 2008-08-19 2008-08-19
Club Solihull School Solihull School Solihull School
Grading Code 350431B 350431B 350431B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Solihull School V King Edward's School white Jindal, Kiran W 249497
Solihull School V Camp Hill white Monga, Kanav L 264079
Solihull School V Bristol GS white Zeng, Jonathan W 264197
Solihull School V Aston white Rahmati, Darius L 351646
KE Camp Hill B V Solihull black Prasad, Aditya L 236028
KE Camp Hill B V Solihull black Prasad, Aditya L 236034
Tiffin School V Solihull School black Lam, Isaac D 264029
Sir Thomas Rich V Solihull School black Cole, Gabe L 264115
North Liverpool Academy V Solihull School black Terim, Bartu L 264141