Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Vaibhav Badoni (69862) Badoni, Vaibhav (351637E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Vaibhav Badoni Badoni, Vaibhav Vaibhav Badoni
Sex U M U
DOB 2010-03-17 2010-03-17 2010-03-17
Club Southend HS Barking Southend HS
Grading Code 351637E 351637E 351637E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Southend HS V Brentwood C white Quelch, Conor W 219032
Brentwood B V Southend HS black Cheema, Dilsher L 219020
Westcliffe High A V Southend HS black Brzostowicz , Jan L 219044
St. Thomas More V Southend HS black Makowski, Daniel L 443703
St. Thomas More V Southend HS black Makowski, Daniel L 443709