Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Sherwin Wang (71180) Wang, Susie (292619C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Sherwin Wang Wang, Susie Susie Wang
Sex U F F
DOB 2006-09-22 2004-12-30 2004-12-30
Club Tonbridge School West Nottingham Nottingham HS
Grading Code 351119E 292619C 292619C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Tonbridge A V Sevenoaks A white Pavlov, Roman L 222652
Tonbridge School V Skinners white Belousov, Dmitry L 234942
Tonbridge A V Judd white Pack, Edgar D 330119
Tonbridge B V Tonbridge A black Leung, Justin C L 220258
St Olaves B V Tonbridge A black Joshi, Yash L 222676
Tonbridge B V Tonbridge A black Streets, Hugo L 329612
St Olave's B V Tonbridge A black Vanka, Shashank D 330164