Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ailig Mackey (71871) Mackey, Ailig (361605J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ailig Mackey Mackey, Ailig Ailig Mackey
Sex U M U
DOB 2008-03-13 2008-03-13 2008-03-13
Club Stover School Devon * Stover School
Grading Code 361605J 361605J 361605J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Stover V Exeter Maths School B white Fakieski, Ayomide W 348361
Stover V West Buckland white Stapleton, Luke D 348448
Round 2 white Yeap, Jun Li L 458032
Colyton A V Stover B black Pasupulety, Tejas L 229170
Colyton A V Stover black Liu, Yuan L 348412
Devonport HSB V Stover School black Chen, Jack L 349593
Round 1 black Dong, Vincent L 458018
Round 3 black Wills, Piran L 458049