Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Hecheng Wang (72512) Wang, Holly (351748C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Hecheng Wang Wang, Holly Holly Wang
Sex U M U
DOB 2007-09-12 2008-09-03 2008-09-03
Club Cheam High School Winchester College Winchester College
Grading Code 353111K 351748C 351748C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Cheam HS V Whitgift white Yuns, Roy L 234907
Cheam HS V St Andrews A white Walters, Dominic L 234920
Cheam HS V Ibstock white Gramopadhye, Arin L 234926
Cheam B V Ibstock A white Madhok, Rishabh L 237252
St Andrews B V Cheam B black Hinault, Eric L 237587
Trinity B V Cheam B black Barquinha, Luis L 237625
St Andrews B V Cheam HS black Gamber, Sebastian L 241172