Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alex Vleju (72785) Vleju, Alex (317565A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alex Vleju Vleju, Alex Alex Vleju
Sex M M M
DOB 2011-03-16 2011-03-16 2011-03-16
Club Beaumont School Hertfordshire Juniors Beaumont School
Grading Code 317565A 317565A 317565A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Beaumont School V Haberdashers' C white Mittal, Aditya L 235702
Beaumont School V Dame Alice Owens white Khan, TaoHai W 347704
Beaumont School V Haberdashers' B white Moser, Gabriel L 357731
St Albans A V Beaumont School black Burke, Joshua L 348507
St Albans B V Beaumont School black Kaye, Elliott L 348516
St Albans School V Beaumont School black Burke, Joshua L 351422
Round 3 black Zheng, Sebastian L 453745
Round 1 black Smith, Cole L 453784