Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Muhammed Kausar (72973) Kausar, Muhammed (353061K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Muhammed Kausar Kausar, Muhammed Muhammed Kausar
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-12-27 2007-12-27 2007-12-27
Club Devonport High School for Boys Devonport High School for Boys Devonport High School for Boys
Grading Code 353061K 353061K 353061K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Devonport HSB V Stover School white Torishnii, Vladislav W 349592
Devonport HSB V Exeter School white Dong, Vincent L 376648
Devonport HS for Boys A V Devonport HS for Boys B white Crow, Jacob W 449470
Stover School V Devonport HS for Boys black Quartley, Oliver L 237684
Torquay B V Devonport black Petsios, John L 348397
West Buckland V Devonport black Johnson, Zack L 348405
Torquay Boys' GS V Devonport HSB black Sellar, Finn L 362669
Exeter Maths School V Devonport HS for Boys A black Wotton, Ben L 449482