Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alex Cham (73137) Cham, Alex (297583L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alex Cham Cham, Alex Alex Cham
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-09-05 2008-09-05 2008-09-05
Club St Albans School St Albans St Albans School
Grading Code 297583L 297583L 297583L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Albans School V Bluecoat School white Zheng, Kevin L 264044
St Albans School V Highgate School white Shapiro, Noah L 264086
St Albans School V Taunton School white Hudson, Michael W 264160
St Albans A V St Albans B white Democratis, Alex W 347696
St Albans A V Dame Alice Owens white Jasko, Rufus L 348493
St Albans A V Beaumont School white Balasuntharam, Ashan L 348505
St Albans School V Beaumont School white Maton, Emily L 351418
Round 2 white Magee, Sean L 453791
Dame Alice Owens School V St Albans School black Jasko, Rufus L 238425
Morpeth V St Albans School black Williams, Ben L 264118
Sir Thomas Rich V St Albans School black Wilkins, Tommy L 264176
Round 3 black Suarez Zambrana, Dylan L 453737