Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Vamsi Kothapalli (73139) Kothapalli, Vamsi (346271H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Vamsi Kothapalli Kothapalli, Vamsi Vamsi Kothapalli
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-03-21 2007-03-21 2007-03-21
Club St Albans School Hertfordshire * St Albans School
Grading Code 346271H 346271H 346271H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Albans School V Bluecoat School white Divakar, Harsh D 264046
St Albans School V Highgate School white Bevan, Andrei L 264088
St Albans School V Taunton School white Freeman, James L 264162
Westminster B V St Pauls Girls School white Sengupta, Sohana W 343413
Dame Alice Owens School V St Albans School black Goodlad, Daniel L 238426
Morpeth V St Albans School black Glennie, Stephen L 264120
Sir Thomas Rich V St Albans School black Hitchings, Finley L 264178
Tiffin B V Westminster B black Poborcev, Oleg L 342992
Westminster D V Westminster B black Nasir, Imaad L 343431