Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Patrick Dillon (76461) Dillon, Patrick (355764K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Patrick Dillon Dillon, Patrick Patrick Dillon
Sex U M U
DOB 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2006-06-16
Club Nottingham HS Nottinghamshire* Nottingham HS
Grading Code 355764K 355764K 355764K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Nottingham HS V North Liverpool Academy white Terim, Bartu L 264099
NHS B V Bourne A white Carver, Gabriel L 359667
NHS B V Carreā€™s A white Bailey , Toby L 359683
Nottingham HS B V Bourne A white Neal, Freddie L 364462
Morpeth V Nottingham HS black Glennie, Stephen L 264038
Taunton School V Nottingham HS black Freeman, James L 264182
David Nieper V Nottingham HS B black Clarke, Archie L 350869
NHS A V NHS B black Arlachova, Alexandra L 357771
NGHS B V NHS B black Khanna, Aarya L 359659